Sahar Delijani

Présence durant l'édition :


Sahar Delijani was born in Iran and grew up in California. She was born in Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran in 1983, the same year both her parents were arrested due to their political activism against the Islamic regime. In 1996, when she was 12 years old, her parents decided to move to Northern California to join her mother’s family. Delijani was registered in a middle school, starting from 7th grade.

In 2002, Delijani was accepted at the University of California, Berkeley, where she earned a BA degree in Comparative Literature. In 2006, after having met her husband at Berkeley, she moved to Turin, Italy, where she has lived ever since.

Her debut novel, Children of the Jacaranda Tree, will be published in more than 70 countries and translated into 25 languages.

(Photo © Alison Rosa)

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