André Hoffmann

Présence durant l'édition :


André Hoffmann est un chef d'entreprise suisse et un écologiste. Il est vice-président de Roche Holding, une société pharmaceutique internationale, cofondateur d'InTent, une plateforme internationale qui accélère les solutions durables, et membre du conseil d'administration du Forum économique mondial. Sa femme et lui vivent et travaillent près de Morges


The Nature of Business : The Path to Prosperity and Sustainability (Wiley)

In The New Nature of Business: The Path to Prosperity and Sustainability, businessman Andre Hoffmann and journalist Peter Vanham describe how companies should change their ways to have continued success, and why the current modus operandi is not working. They present a template for creating “sustainable prosperity”, and case-studies of companies that survived and thrived by opting for change. In doing so, they provide a way out of long-standing dilemmas, such as how to balance business needs with impact on nature, shareholders with stakeholders, and short-term vs. long-term profits.

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Programme de l'auteur·trice


9h30-19h00 Dédicaces 


10h00-13h00 Dédicaces 
14h00-15h00  The New Nature of Business: Sustainability and Prosperity
15h30-18h00 Dédicaces