Barbara Stok

Présence durant l'édition :


Barbara Stok is an award-winning graphic novelist from The Netherlands. Her book Vincent is published in more than twenty countries around the world. Her latest graphic novel The Philosopher, the Dog and the Wedding became a bestseller within only a month of publication and got nominated for the Hypatia Price. She has 14 books to her name.Stok worked as a journalist before choosing the profession of graphic novelist. In her first stories she depicted her own everyday experiences: going to punkrock concerts, the fear of death, the art of doing nothing. In her work she constantly pose questions about how to live.

With The Philosopher, the Dog and the Wedding, Barbara Stok has written a extraordinary, moving and inspiring story about the first female philosopher. The renowned cartoonist portrays the life of Hipparchia, the little-known Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century BC and who decides to marry Crates, a cynic philosopher, who lives on the streets, rather than a wealthy Athenian. With her boundless enthusiasm and philosophical background, Stok builds a bridge with the present by holding a mirror up to the reader.

Time and again, Stok draws subtle parallels with the modern world, for example, with Hipparchia calling into question the subordinate position of women, slaves and animals. Stok and Hipparchia enable the reader to see their own life in a different light.


(Photo © Barbara Stock)

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12h30-14h30 Dédicaces 
17h00-19h00 Dédicaces