Luke McCallin

Présence durant les éditions :


Luke McCallin was born in 1972 in Oxford, grew up in Africa, went to school around the world and has worked with the United Nations as a humanitarian relief worker and peacekeeper in the Caucasus, the Sahel, and the Balkans. His experiences have driven his writing, in which he explores what happens to normal people - those stricken by conflict, by disaster - put under abnormal pressures.

He lives with his wife and two children in an old farmhouse in France in the Jura Mountains. He has a master's degree in political science, speaks French, and can just get by in Russian. When he's not working or writing, he enjoys reading history, playing the drums, and heading into the mountains for a run!



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Place n°229



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Programme de l'auteur·trice


12h30-14h00 Dédicaces 
15h30-17h30 Dédicaces 
18h00-20h00 Dédicaces 


10h00-11h30 Dédicaces 
13h00-15h00 Dédicaces 
16h00-18h00 Dédicaces