Qiufan Chen

Présence durant l'édition :


Chen Qiufan (a.k.a. Stanley Chan) is an award-winning Chinese speculative fiction author, translator, creative producer, and curator. He is honorary president of the Chinese Science Fiction Writers Association, and has a seat on the Xprize Foundation Science Fiction Advisory Council. His works include the novel Waste Tide and, co-authored with Kai-Fu Lee, the book AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future. He currently lives in Los Angeles/Shanghai.


AI2041 : Ten Visions for our Future (Random Penguin House)

AI2041: Ten Visions for our future: In this provocative, utterly original work, Kai-Fu Lee, the former president of Google China and bestselling author of AI Superpowers, teams up with celebrated novelist Chen Qiufan to imagine our world in 2041 and how it will be shaped by AI. In ten gripping short stories, they introduce readers to an array of eye-opening 2041 settings around the world. By gazing toward a not-so-distant horizon, AI 2041 offers urgent insights into our collective future—while reminding readers that, ultimately, humankind remains the author of its destiny.


(Photo © Lens)

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Programme de l'auteur·trice


16h00-19h00 Dédicaces 


11h00-13h00 Dédicaces 
16h00-18h00 Dédicaces